Uzbekistan hosted a business mission organized by Technopolis “Himgrad” with the assistance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan

As part of the business mission, the opening of the First Regional Interindustry Fair was held. Galina Saidova, Deputy Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, delivered a state speech, emphasizing the high potential of the Jizzakh region and industrial development of the region. German Lerner, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, delivered a congratulatory speech as well.

Delegates of the business mission visited the production facilities of “JIZZAX PLASTMASSA” JSC, located at the site of technopark “Jizzakh”. They got acquainted with current works on the technopark’s territory, production processes and future plans.

The delegation members visited museums of “Hamid Alimjan and Zulfiya khanum” and “Sharaf Rashidov” in Jizzakh city. The guests had a tour over the museums, heard the story of the life and work of prominent people of Uzbekistan.

Following the cultural program the guests visited the branch of the Kazan Federal University in Jizzakh. The University representatives demonstrated to the delegates the facilities provided for students and told about their further development plans